Loving Shepherd Ministries
Rev. Michael Mueller
Preaching is not a Bible study, nor is it Aesop’s Fables for good, moral living. Rather it is the
application of the Scripture to the daily life of the congregation. It is not about the pastor,
his style, demeanor, dress, eloquence or gestures—these can all affect the reception of the sermon—but the object is to get out of the way and let the congregation see Christ (John 12:21b).
Faith Questions
Christ gave his followers a final command, The Great Commission, in which He instructs them to make disciples by baptizing and teaching the nations all of His commandments (Matthew 28:19). This teaching is so that they may place their hope in God by remembering His works and following His commandments (Psalm 78:7).
Bible Studies
The Bible provides food for spiritual growth. Jeremiah expressed it: "When your words came, I ate them, they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty" (15:16). Because Jeremiah knew he belonged to God, he received God’s Word with great joy, for it nourished his faith and life.
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